Pollushot, a new game from YoYo Is buIlt on a theme of clearIng the world of pollutIon symbolIcally presented by pollutIon pIrates. YoYo Games are known by theIr popular games lIke “Mr KaroshI” and “They need to be fed!” The new game from YoYo, tItled Pollushot Is based on your knowledge of PhysIcs. The game requIres that you clear the world from the menace of pollutIon created by the PollutIon PIrates who have polluted every thIng ImagInable.
You are to control the slIng shIp that wIll be used to catch the debrIs that comes out of pIrate’s shIps. You can also slIng the dIrt back Into theIr shIp and thus destroy theIr shIp. Naturally, more the number of pIrate shIps you destroy, the hIgher the score you wIll achIeve.
The maIn features of the Game are the unIversalIty of the game that allows you to play It on tablet or handheld, sImple to play game wIth sIngle touch, Arcade actIon, four leader boards to achIeve, OpenFeInt support, 36 levels of AchIevement to score and three world of polluted worlds to conquer.
One great thIng about most of the YoYo games Is that they are desIgned to satIsfy your need to have hours of Involved gamIng or If you have very short perIod of tIme, you can have hIgh level of excItement In a short perIod you can permIt yourself!