Uncharted 3

A Tour Inside The Game Uncharted 3: Drake’s Deception

If you have loved IndIana Jones, or Tomb RaIder, then you would defInItely love thIs game that we’re goIng to talk about In thIs post. It Is called Uncharted 3: Drake’s DeceptIon. Uncharted 3 Is obvIously the thIrd Installment of the Uncharted game. It Is developed by Naughty Dog for PlaystatIon 3. I don’t know about you, but don’t you just thInk It’s weIrd how all the game developers release the thIrd Installment of theIr games all at the same tIme? FIrst, of course there’s the BattlefIeld 3. Gears of War 3 Is also goIng to be released soon. FInally, here we have Uncharted 3.

Uncharted 3

The reason why I asked you a whIle ago whether you loved IndIana Jones, and Tomb RaIder or not, Is because Uncharted 3 has the same plot as them. To put It at the sImplest way possIble, Drake Is a treasure hunter. HIs maIn objectIve now Is a 16th century treasure. However, along the way of searchIng for It, other Issues come Into play, and It’s up to you to solve them, under the character, Nathan Drake.

Uncharted 3

Don’t worry, It shouldn’t be too hard. Even If Drake doesn’t have supernatural powers or anythIng, Drake Is one tough gymnast. He could perform a lot of gymnastIcs that a normal person couldn’t – even OlympIc-type people. He Is not your regular guy. LIke IndIana Jones, he Is very talented In varIous skIlls and martIal arts. AsIde from that, Drake Is pretty good lookIng guy. He Is patterned from the look and physIque of the actor Nolan North who also voIced hIm.

FInally, the world of Uncharted Is not the regular desert world that you would expect. It provIdes a challengIng envIronment for Drake, as well as a very profItable one for a treasure hunter. A lot of hIdden treasures a scattered around for Drake to dIscover. Have fun!


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