Sony ErIcsson Is gaInIng credIt for Its weekly event called the MIne Craft Monday. The credIt Is beIng gIven to the gIant XperIa play that was buIlt In the pocket edItIon In the on an XperIa play. Sony ErIcsson’s developer has posted a pIcture of gIant XperIa play buIlt In MIne craft: pocket edItIon on the twItter account. The fuzzy photo gIves you all the detaIls of the XperIa play controls and buttons. Even the scaffoldIng Is left outsIde the XperIa play when they buIlt the mIne craft. The Sony ErIcsson logo Is the only savIor that would save us from the world collapsIng on ourselves buIlt onto the screen Instead of havIng a pIcture of the XperIa Play buIlt InsIde the mIne craft.
I thInk we have become confused about thIs revIew so It’s tIme to just shut up and enjoy the photo. If anybody has buIld anythIng InsIde the mIne craft edItIon don’t forget to send us as we wIll showcase It. We have reported thIs mornIng that mIne craft pocket edItIon wIll be arrIvIng on all other androId devIces on September 29.