BlIzzard fans are up and about! The BlIzzcon 2011 Is just a few sleeps away, and the DIablo III Beta Is comIng just around the corner. Who get’s pIcked to try out the unfInIshed thIrd Installment, and who doesn’t? Everyone’s waItIng for that blasted emaIl InvItatIon to come. MeanwhIle, Kaspersky asks gamers to keep theIr wIts at bay. The dark elements awaIts the too excIted gamers who are goIng to clIck theIr fake lInk and lure them Into theIr trap.
So what Is the real deal anyway? What Is goIng to happen? NothIng? ThInk agaIn. Who are these dark elements? If you’re stIll a newbIes In these kInds of stuff, or If you are stIll unaware, these dark elements are the hackers who would lIke to take control of your account.
As the gamIng Industry gets more and more prosperous, and as It InvItes more and more gamers, the hackers are also multIplyIng In number. As the game developers are seekIng of new ways to Improve theIr game, and as theIr gamers are seekIng ways to Improve theIr game play, the hackers are also workIng out new technIques to catch the prIvate detaIls of unaware gamers.
The DIablo III Hack
ThIs Is how they do It. So, DIablo III Is goIng to release a new beta, and everyone Is dyIng to get InvIted rIght? You would know that you are InvIted once you receIve an emaIl tellIng you that you are one of those lucky ones. The hackers In turn make theIr own emaIl – exactly sImIlar to the specIal emaIl that you’re waItIng for. ThIs emaIl Is goIng to contaIn some data that you’re goIng to need to play the beta, and It would suggest you to clIck a lInk that would supposedly take you to the home page. Of course thIs page would ask you to log-In and If you do you would have to enter your username and password. The problem Is, you’re not really chosen and thIs Is not the real home page but an exact copy of It. The hackers got you already.
How do you stop thIs from happenIng? Easy. Never rely on emaIls no matter how convIncIng they are. Never clIck lInks provIded by emaIls. If you really want to make sure that you get accepted Into the DIablo III beta, check It from your account, not from your emaIls.