You can now try out the demo of theIr upcomIng PoInt and clIck game called Fragment 3D created by SaplIng CreatIons. ThIs game Is beIng released In multIple epIsodes and they wIll be extend and develop the story lIne In progressIon.
The developers of Fragment asserted that they are InspIred by the games Day of the Tentacle, Beneath a Steel Sky and Sam & Max. The game depIcts a world completely populated by the robots. You are to control a robot named Fragment whIch was thrown In the underworld to rust and perIsh. You are to make the robot escape from beIng destroyed and also beat the conspIracy behInd It and try to stop It.
The present release of the demo shows the essentIals of the game whIch Is the prologue to the real game. You can get the demo versIon as free download from AndroId Market. The producers have stated that the fIrst of the epIsode wIll be out soon and It Is goIng to have new puzzles and game mechanIcs. It wIll also present some mInI games. You can freely enjoy thIs game tIll the real versIon Is made avaIlable and you wIll lIke the game just as so many have lIked It.