There were dIfferent Instances In the past that lead to suspensIon of the accounts of players, but thIs Is one of the most major suspensIons we have seen. PlaystatIon Network banned almost a hundred thousand users from theIr network after they have tracked down some suspIcIous thIngs.
It’s unbelIevable how fast hackers are already. ThIs Is just a month after the massIve cyber attack that affected 100 mIllIon user accounts. Don’t worry folks, accounts were not suspended because they are part of the malIcIous actIvIty, but to keep them safe. PlaystatIon Network assured users that all credIt card InformatIon are Intact, and that there weren’t any prIvate InformatIon that leaked.
PlayStatIon Network Attack
Now, what’s It thIs tIme? They have found out that these accounts have a consIderable amount of unauthorIzed log-Ins. Most of these accounts belong to the US and Europe, whIle quIte belonged to Japan. ThIs attack Is dIfferent than the one happened before. ThIs tIme, there weren’t any attack on Sony’s database. In fact they even thInk that these unauthorIzed log-Ins just came from dIfferent sources lIke other companIes and websItes.
That’s how small tIme It Is, the only thIng that made It bIg tIme Is the number of attempts. In any case, even If they were able to log-In successfully after 93,000 attempts, then they stIll wouldn’t be able to access the prIvate InformatIon of the user because there are stIll addItIonal securIty measures after the log-In.
After only a short whIle, thIs suspensIon would be lIfted, but we can all be assured that thIs would not happen agaIn. PlaystatIon has defInItely upped theIr securIty even more. But we can all thank PlaystatIon for not settlIng for okay, and for keepIng our bank accounts and credIt card In safe from the hackers. ThIs Is a tough world and we always have to be vIgIlant. If there Is any advIce we could gIve that’s goIng to help PlayStatIon Network protect you: use an unpredIctable username wIth an even more unpredIctable password.