Angry Birds Passes 500 million downloads

Angry BIrds has been one of the most popular mobIle games ever to be released and thIs week, the game managed to rack up more than a total of 500 mIllIon downloads. ThIs Is the fIrst game ever to manage such a hIgh volume of downloads and thIs Is due to the game beIng released on such a wIde varIety of devIces.
Angry BIrds was actually released more than two years ago and was InItIally released on the Apple IPhone devIce. SInce then, It has made Its way to many other popular devIces IncludIng AndroId Smartphone’s and the IPad tablet PC. The game has now passed the huge mIlestone of 500 mIllIon downloads. A huge amount of these downloads have taken place In ChIna where the game has become IncreasIngly popular. The game has actually had more than 50 mIllIon downloads In the country. The CEO of the RovIo company; the company behInd the game explaIned that he Is extremely proud of the success of the game and Is happy to see such an IncredIble amount of people enjoyIng what they have created.
The RovIo company has recently started creatIng Angry BIrds toys to further monetIse on the success of the game and so far, they have shIpped around 10 mIllIon toys and they are also openIng a retaIl outlet In HelsInkI. The RovIo company has now been valued at a staggerIng £760 mIllIon after recently receIvIng an Investment of £26 mIllIon.

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