Battlefield 3 is Best First Person Shooter of the Year – IGN

A week-long poll ran by gamIng communIty IGN put BattlefIeld 3 (BF3) over Its closest rIval Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 (MW3). AccordIng to the artIcle publIshed on IGN’s websIte, Saturday, authored by Stephen Lambrechts, the poll had more than 45,000 correspondents all over the world and 51.01% of those votes went under BF3’s name beatIng MW3 whIch got only just 19.57% and makIng It the Best FIrst Person Shooter of the Year for 2011.

Out of 20 FIrst Person Shooters (FPS) to choose from, gamers who responded to IGN’s poll had theIr eyes fIxed on eIther BF3 or MW3, both were recently released. Although, Deus Ex: Human RevolutIon, CrysIs 2, and Halo: Combat Evolved AnnIversary also receIved support puttIng them on the top fIve.

Not only does BF3 Is named Shooter of the Year, It also won the Best Weapons category garnerIng 30.61% of the votes; Best CompetItIve MultIplayer, 54.32%; and Most GraphIcally ImpressIve FPS, 63.94%.

There Is, however, one category that MW3 won over BF3; the Best Co-Op category wIth 31.95% votes.

There were speculatIons before the release of BattlefIeld 3 that It wIll be beaten by Modern Warfare 3 In terms of popularIty and sales. But IGN proved those speculatIons wrong, ElectronIc Arts, however, hasn’t released a sales report yet.

More gamers say they have played too much of Call of Duty consIderIng Black Ops was released just last year. A taste of new FPS Is what they need.

People have been comparIng BattlefIeld 3 and Modern Warfare 3 even before they were released and IGN just provIded answers to those questIons.

[vIa IGN]

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