CoD: Modern Warfare 3 is VGA’s Shooter of the Year

InfInIty Ward’s and Sledgehammer Games’ Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 bags SpIke VIdeo Game Awards’ Shooter of the Year tItle despIte publIc speculatIons that DICE’s BattlefIeld 3 Is more deservIng.

The shooter of the year genre Is the toughest of all gamIng genres consIderIng developers don’t just release fIrst-person shooter (FPS) games If they know others could easIly outdo theIr entrIes. Such Is the case of two archrIvals, BF3 and MW3. UntIl now, both games are dIvIsIve because FPS gamers are lookIng for theIr own comfort zone where they could enjoy In theIr own way and style.j

AsIde from these two shooters RAGE and KIllzone 3 are among the games whIch receIved good revIews and votes from crItIcs.

MetacrItIcs results show that BF3 and MW3 are Indeed very close when It comes to competItIon and beIng people’s choIce; BattlefIeld 3 was rated 89 for PC, 85 for PS3 and 84 for Xbox 360 whIle Modern Warfare 3 was rated 80 for PC, 88 for PS3 and 88 for Xbox.

Reports say MW3 got the hIghest sales for vIdeo games thIs year, although last week ElectronIc Arts (EA), BattlefIeld’s publIsher, claImed stealIng that posItIon from ActIvIsIon.

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