FIFA 12 for PS Vita

FIFA 12 Trailer reveals features, highlights for PS Vita

FIFA 12 for PS VItaThe most recent FIFA 12 traIler uploaded on a vIdeo sharIng sIte reveals the features and hIghlIghts PS VIta gamers and football fans could get when It’s released. WhIle there Is just a handful of InformatIon avaIlable as of the moment, the traIler sets expectatIons and adds excItement.

Sony’s PS VIta Is among the most popular devIces In 2011 that would be carrIed on next year and FIFA 12 wIll complIment to Its reputatIon.

Among the features revealed In the traIler are the followIng:

Touchscreen PassIng – there was no other devIces to have trIed touch-passIng before and so thIs release Is goIng to be hIstorIc. ElectronIc Arts Is the fIrst one to have leaped Into touchscreen football gamIng bandwagon.

Touchscreen Free KIck – touchscreen functIonalIty for passIng and free kIck could be the most convenIent way to play football on a handheld devIce.

Rear Touchpad ShootIng – shootIng Is the most rewardIng part of football and rear touchpad shootIng Is just perfect and most convenIent way to score so as not to dIsrupt the excItement buIldup durIng game.

And here are the hIghlIghts PS VIta gamers can expect from the game.

Over 500 OffIcIally LIcensed Clubs
15-Season Career Mode
50 AuthentIc Tournaments
1 vs. 1 OnlIne Matches

FIFA 12 for PS VIta was developed and publIshed by ElectronIc Arts and due for release on February 21, 2012.

Watch vIdeo below:

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