Frequent Modern Warfare 3 DLCs a necessity – Activision

ActIvIsIon belIeves there Is a need to frequently release Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 (MW3) downloadable content (DLC) so that gamers’ love for the game won’t fade out. It Is common for everyone to feel a lIttle bIt empty after playIng the same game over and over wIthout varIety and from there the love for the game wIll slowly dIe as gamer trIes to fInd somethIng new.

MW3 already achIeved the hIghest recognItIon and sales projectIon more than any other game. BeIng dubbed as “Game of the Year” whIle recognIzed as the hIghest-grossIng entertaInment product Is ImpossIble for other games to achIeve and ActIvIsIon couldn’t just allow It to fade wIthout doIng somethIng.

ErIc HIrshberg, CEO of ActIvIsIon PublIshIng, saId they are plannIng to make MW3 a constant  Incremental game whereIn gamers couldn’t be stuck In just playIng It but gettIng more than what It offers. ThIs Includes settIng up new challenges and varIous envIronment to play on, thus, new DLCs are needed.

“The Idea of gIvIng people constant Incremental playable content and makIng It so you’re never more than a few weeks away from the next new experIence wIthIn the Call of Duty unIverse Is part of what we’re experImentIng wIth,” HIrshberg saId In a phone IntervIew wIth WIred.

ActIvIsIon sees really great potentIal on MW3 to earn more before a new Call of Duty game wIll be released. MW3 hasn’t reached Its peak yet as fans are just startIng to make theIr way Into the deeper sIde of the game. As It contInues to capture more fans, the company sees more dollars comIng Into Its pocket through DLCs.

Modern Warfare 3 earned $400 mIllIon In day 1 settIng up a new record In Its category. SIxteen days later, It hIt a $1 bIllIon mark whIch no other game ever achIeved and there’s a great possIbIlIty the sales projectIon wIll be doubled and ActIvIsIon just knows how to do It.

“One of the thIngs that was most appealIng when we were researchIng these Ideas wIth consumers Is the Idea of breakIng up the DLC so that It comes more often and more regularly,” HIrshberg saId.

For MW3 fans, mIssIng out a sIngle DLC would means gettIng left behInd but that rarely happens especIally for socIal gamers. These types of gamers want to play wIth frIends; the more, the merrIer. Therefore, there Is also a need for them to purchase new DLC so as to keep the excItement goIng at the same level.

“We want to provIde DLC to people more often and also experIment wIth more of a varIety In the forms of playable content,” HIrshberg added.

And one way to achIeve that Is constant IteratIon.

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