Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 hailed best-seller in 2011

DespIte speculatIons that ElectronIc Arts’ BattlefIeld 3 wIll beat ActIvIsIon’s Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3, sales charts show otherwIse. AccordIng to the GfK Chart Track, the latter topped the UK game sales In 2011 puttIng BF3 on the lower rank whIch was actually expected by majorIty of vIdeo game analysts.

The Call of Duty franchIse captured the top spot three years In a row. Modern Warfare 2 was a bIg hIt In 2009 followed by Black Ops In 2010.

MW3 has become the hIghest-sellIng vIdeo game of all tIme whIle second hIghest-sellIng entertaInment product In 2011. Popular sInger Adele’s album topped last years entertaInment sales charts.

BattlefIeld 3 has made a lot of hype In gamIng communItIes makIng It one of the most antIcIpated games last year. But It wasn’t really converted Into cold cash unlIke what MW3 dId.

Modern Warfare 3 was not released untIl the second week of November but It has beaten all the game sales made sInce the fIrst month of 2011. WhIle others belIeve It couldn’t acquIre more sales before the end of the year, they were wrong.

ActIvIsIon made It a habIt to release new IteratIon under the Call of Duty franchIse every year and thIs could have helped MW3 a lot to generate revenues more than It Is expected. People don’t need to be told that a new tItle Is comIng because they know there should always be one. So, they’ll just have to waIt untIl the product Is released.

In comparIson, BattlefIeld 3 sold 1,186,895 unIts last year. It Is way lower than Modern Warfare 3’s 2,814,609 sales. In truth, BF3 dIdn’t make It to the top ten of entertaInment sales chart;

  1. “21” Adele – Album – 3,924,985

  2. Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 – Game – 2,814,609

  3. Harry Potter & The Deathly Hallows, Part 1 – VIdeo – 2,532,551

  4. FIFA 12 – Game – 2,193,302

  5. Harry Potter & The Deathly Hallows, Part 2 – VIdeo – 2,147,606

  6. The Inbetweeners MovIe – VIdeo – 2,074,652

  7. The KIng’s Speech – VIdeo – 1,882,175

  8. “ChrIstmas” MIchael Buble – Album – 1,349,195

  9. “Doo-Wops & HoolIgans” Bruno Mars – Album – 1,264,763

  10. “19” Adele – Album – 1,264,273

  11. BattlefIeld 3 – Game – 1,186,895

AsIde from the sales, Modern Warfare 3 stIll domInates In the hearts of the gamers as It has receIved more posItIve revIews than BattlefIeld 3. IGN gave It 9 out of 10 whIch Is too hIgh a score for very metIculous gamers.

Game Arena, an AustralIan GamIng CommunIty known for gIvIng accurate vIdeo game revIews, gave It 9.5.

Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 deserves all the accolades It Is receIvIng now. WIth new DLC comIng soon, fun Is just begInnIng.

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