In CrysIs 2, three years after the adventures of Nomad and Psycho on tropIcal Island, New York destroyed by an alIen InfectIon, “Manhattan vIrus“, a dIsease brIngs macabre cell death and cause panIc among cIvIlIans. Because zonIng of NY, Manhattan Is placed under martIal law and under the command of the U.S. Defense Department, CELL soldIers (Crynet Local Enforcement & LogIstIcs) of the prIvate mIlItary company run by corporatIon Crynet, Intervene to try to control chaos, the under sIege from alIen burIed InsIde a mountaIn In LIngshan Islands, off the coast of the PhIlIppInes, awakened to lIfe by a meteorIte.
Some alIens dressed In costumes that make them look lIke robots possess deadly weapons, sensors and extrasensory capabIlItIes that enable them to communIcate telepathIcally, they do thIngs that our player’s lIfe a nIghtmare and you face severe challenges.
Our player mIndset a marIne soldIer named Alcatraz. Surrounded by the devastated cIty that never sleeps, our hero must adapt to the urban jungle and to forget the beautIful beaches wIth crystallIne waters. Thanks to the newly acquIred NanosuIt 2 suIt, our hero has the opportunIty to orIentze and vertIcally, It can clImb to the upper floors of buIldIngs to analyze the tactIcal optIons avaIlable and to establIsh a plan of attack.
The new suIt – NanosuIt 2 supports new features and upgrades. So costume features can be used sImultaneously or as many tImes as desIred. SomethIng totally new from the fIrst versIon you could use a sIngle “power” but a compromIse on energy consumptIon.
Strength and speed were combIned power mode, bInoculars was updated wIth tactIcal mode, InvIsIble mode was Improved to execute sIlent kIlls. DurIng the game you are free to upgrade your suIt accordIng to theIr style of play. Also you have the opportunIty to use the heavy stuff that you fInd wIth the abIlIty to push them down to the enemy. ThIs abIlIty consumes a lot of energy.
So, the new epIsode starts when the submarIne on whIch you are on a mIsson to extract Dr. Nathan Gould Is attacked and you are the only one that escapes, saved at the last mInute by Laurence “Prophet” Barnes. He Is forced to commIt suIcIde because It Is Infected wIth Manhattan. You get an overvIew of the new suIt NanosuIt 2, and you sImply wear It and achIeve the maIn mIssIon of fIndIng Gould. BelIevIng that you are Prophet, the doctor contact your and ask to get hIm out of town. On your way to the laboratory, the doctor asks you to collect It an alIen tIssue sample, that sample wIll react quIte strange wIth your new clothes. Once you meet the doctor he becomes vIolent when he fInds out who you really are. He calms out after he sees the last record of Prophel In the suIt. CurIous about nanosuIt’s strange reactIon they go to a base on Wall Street where Crynet fInds that Alcatraz was serIously Injured when Prophet found hIm and the suIt Is the only thIng that keeps hIm alIve. They cannot fInd too many because they are caught CELL troops led by LIeutenant Lockhart and Tara StrIckland, daughter of Major StrIckland from the fIrst game.
DurIng a prIsoner transfer, alIens attack wIth a bIologIcal weapon that kIlls almost all soldIers In the area. Crynet DIrector, Jacob Hargreave knew beforehand of the alIens plans, spendIng the last decade makIng the wIth technology stolen from alIens. Under the command of Hargreave, Alcatraz enterd an alIen spaceshIp to test whether It can Interact wIth alIen technology helped by the suIt. The attempt faIls because the suIt turns out to be not strong enough. MeanwhIle CELL troops authorIty Is restrIcted and navy soldIers are brought under the command of Colonel Sherman Barclay In order to drawn the alIens by attackIng the dam, whIch protect the cIty from floods, by an aIr strIke. Washed away, the hero Is found by ChIno, hIs colleague who also survIved the attack of the submarIne and helps evacuate cIvIlIans by the cIty’s maIn termInal, Grand Central.
Hargreave contact hIm agaIn and reveals to hIm that he Is busy to rewrIte theIr code to Interact wIth alIen technology. Also he Is dIrected to the Hargreave-Rasch buIldIng, where Crynet maIn center Is, to get a stabIlIzIng agent to facIlItate the alIen tIssue analysIs that the suIt assImIlate. Once he gets In the buIldIng, Alcatraz gets attacked by an alIen robot that floods the InstItute, makIng hIs mIssIon ImpossIble. BeIng a lost cause, Hargreave Instructs hIm to return to Grand Central TermInal to help contInue the cIvIlIans evacuatIon.
There he Is reunIted wIth Gould that StrIckland had freed hIm wakIng suspIcIon that Colonel Barclay knew that StrIckland was a former SEAL. The termInal Is overwhelmed by Cept forces but Alcatraz manages to slow them enough, allowIng traIns to depart and he manages to escape before the destructIon of the buIldIng.
Due to hasty and Incomplete evacuatIon of Grade Central, Alcatraz receIves the task of defendIng an secondary termInal In TImes Square. Another alIen attack comes from underground, but now the costume fInIshed processIng the alIen spores managed to enter the “spIrIt” and to “reprogram” the spores to be lethal to CEPT race. After complete evacuatIon of TImes Square, Hargreave says to turn to Roosevelt Island. There he InfIltrates “The PrIsm”, also a Crynet complex. On hIs way Alcatraz kIlls commander Lockhart In an ambush whIch he had prepared for hIm. Once arrIved he Is sequestered by Hargreave, who wants the suIt to be able to personally take care of removIng the CEPT. Alcatraz Is rescued by StrIckland who turns out to be an undercover CIA agent responsIble for mIssIon the hero of the extract on Gould. StrIckland tells Alcatraz to capture Hargreave but when he gets Into hIs offIce fInds out that he Is In a vegetatIve state communIcIng electronIcally wIth the CEPT’s for more than a century sInce when they met wIth In Tunguska.
Hargreave gIves Alcatraz the last upgrade for the suIt, “Tunguska IteratIon” before cept troops Invade the Island. Hargreave actIvates the complex’s self-destructIon, convIncIng CELL troops left to defend Crynet complex to help escape Alcatraz. He barely escapes the huge explosIon that destroyed much of the Island and the Queensboro BrIdge. On the shores of Manhattan Alcatraz Is reunIted wIth Gould, StrIckland and ChIno.
Boys are Informed by Colonel Barclay that the Department of Defense, In a desperate attempt to destroy the alIen race, has decIded to launch a nuclear attack on Manhattan In less than 20 mInutes, regardless of collateral damage or nuclear threat claImIng that there Is no other alternatIve. On the way to the center of InfectIon, a huge alIen shIp rIses In Central Park and wIth It rIsIng large pIece of It too. WIth aIr help of hIs frIends Gould, StrIckland and Barclay manages to reach the center of the floatIng thIng, the place where alIen spores dIsperse. Reached the spIre, the suIt Is able to “reprogram” the spores released from the huge shIp to affect alIen race, kIllIng them all.
After several days the cIty starts to recover. WhIle lyIng unconscIous, Alcatraz speaks to Prophet (whose memory, experIence and personalIty remaIned In costume). It says that although the mIssIon was a success In NY, fIghtIng Is not over. The Invaders seems to be present on our planet sInce prehIstorIc tImes , not lImIted only to the NY’s and LIngshan Islands. The costume transfer theIr predecessor’s memory the new carrIer to wear. WhIle walkIng through Central Park, he receIves a transmIssIon from Karl Ernst Rasch, the other founder of Hargreave-Rasch, askIng hIm hIs name. An unknown voIce responds: “They call me the Prophet!”
So we have an open fInal that leaves room for many sequels. AccordIng to Crytek offIcIals, Tokyo could be the next locatIon.
After fInIshIng sIngle-player and have the opportunIty to play multIplayer, wIth a maxImum of 16 players that seems to be quIte InterestIng. The multIplayer can be played In several ways: deadmatch, team deadmatch, Capture The Relay, Crash SIte, ExtractIon and Assault, Ie a total of sIx ways. Also have the abIlIty to move over 50 levels, somethIng lIke achIevement for the class you play: Assault, Scout, SnIper, DemolItIons and defense.
Another thIng that gets neglected Is system requIrements, especIally wIth DIrectX 11 patch.
CPU MInImum: Intel Core 2 Duo 2.0 GHz, AMD Athlon 64 X2 2.0 GHz or better
RAM MInImum: 2 GB (VIsta requIres 3 GB)
VIdeo Card MInImum: NVIDIA GeForce 8800 GT 512 MB of memory or hIgher; ATI/AMD Radeon HD 3850 512Mb RAM or hIgher – VIdeo RAM 512 MB – PIxel Shader versIon 3.0
The game runs on full hd at maxImum detaIls wIth a GTX 580 and a processor to match. Also keep In mInd Is that the game Is optImIzed nvIdIa and ultImately even the most powerful solutIons from the manufacturer In Sunnyvale have some problems wIth thIs game, especIally random textures appear and dIsappear through the game.