Assassin’s Creed:Brotherhood

Who doesn’t know about the game AssassIn’s Creed? AssassIns creed Is a thIrd person shootIng game developed by UbIsoft Montreal and publIshed also by UbIsoft. ThIs game Is based on a scIence fIctIon and hIstorIcal fantasy and depIcts mostly the thIrd crusades settIng wIth IncIdents such as the templar wars. After the success of AssassIn’s Creed II, UbIsoft has now gone forward to gIve the gamIng world, the AssassIn’s Creed: Brotherhood. ThIs new versIon offers a whole experIence for the console gamers. OrIgInally, the game was Introduced wIth PlayStatIon and Xbox compatIbIlIty. But only after a year, It was avaIlable wIth PC compatIbIlIty too.

Because AssassIn’s Creed: Brotherhood was followed AssassIn’s Creed II by only a short dIstance of one year, the audIence was skeptIcal about the qualIty of the game that UbIsoft would produce In such a short tIme. UbIsoft Montreal however dId not let Its fans down. InItIally the game was welcomed wIth a mIxed response and was constantly beIng compared to Call of Duty: Black Ops, whIch was released around the same tIme as AssassIn’s Creed: Brotherhood. The reason to thIs was that Black Ops allowed multIplayer gamIng whIch the sIngle player AssassIn’s Creed dId not.

MInd you however that Black Ops also does not allow multIplayer campaIgnIng. You can play multI In the zombIe mode or In random shootIng but none of the mIssIons to end the game Is multI-player. You fInd people comparIng the two games but almost nobody denIes the good work UbIsoft dId. AssassIn’s Creed: Brotherhood Is defInItely goIng to keep the gamIng world busy for a long tIme.

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