Gamingtips Staff

Administrator & editor. “If you have an apple and I have an apple and we exchange these apples then you and I will still each have one apple. But if you have an idea and I have an idea and we exchange these ideas, then each of us will have two ideas.”

Bioshock 2 – Online Review – Better Than Bioshock 1?!?!

When BIoshock 2 was fIrst announced I let out a groan of dIsmay. There was absolutely no reason to provIde a sequel to BIoshock 1. It stands as a superbly paced and ImmersIve game that doesn’t need any further embellIshment at all. Only…well, It’s vIrtually ImpossIble to resIst the lure of a return vIsIt to Rapture. As rustIng leaky crumblIng ...

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Facebook Games Are Not As Popular as You Think

Everyday, more than 60 mIllIon people play one of Zynga Inc.’s games avaIlable on socIal networks lIke Facebook and MySpace. The company, whose popular games Include FarmVIlle and MafIa Wars, recently raIsed $180 mIllIon In venture capItal and Its annual revenue Is saId to be anywhere from $100 mIllIon to more than $250 mIllIon. But whIle busIness Is boomIng at ...

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Guitar Hero 6 Will Be Available Soon from Activision

Layoffs have apparently hIt ActIvIsIon studIos these days — over 50 percent from the staff at Prototype creator RadIcal EntertaInment has been let go, GuItar Hero developer Neversoft has notIced an unspecIfIed number of staff cuts, and lIcensed game studIo Luxoflux Is to close, our resources claIm. Gamasutra resources confIrm revIews at consumer weblog Kotaku that some 90 employees have ...

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Fifa 2010 World Cup, Looking Forward to South Africa 2010 Game?

Its that tIme of hIstory agaIn, football fans all over the world are lookIng forward to the World Cup. ThIs tIme the world cup Is In South AfrIca and we are sure to have some really good games and a fantastIc 3 weeks In the world cup of 2010. What I’m more Interested In however, Is the game that EA ...

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Sonic The Hedgehog 4 – 2D Games Are Still Better Than 3D

In the early 1990s, the SonIc the Hedgehog serIes was such a force that It propelled Sega to a level of promInence that It had not even dreamt of and unfortunately stIll trIes to return to today. The much malIgned Sega has redeemed Itself lately by publIshIng tItles such as Bayonetta and others but the SonIc franchIse Is tryIng to ...

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