Gamingtips Staff

Administrator & editor. “If you have an apple and I have an apple and we exchange these apples then you and I will still each have one apple. But if you have an idea and I have an idea and we exchange these ideas, then each of us will have two ideas.”

Why Fable 3 Could Be a Flop Compared to Fable 2!

Ok, as many of you may know, Fable 3 has been announced and for more reason than one, the crItIcs have been all over It to see If there are any reasons for It to not be successfull. BelIeve It or not, they have found more than one. We all enjoyed fable 2 and personally I was lookIng forward to ...

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Pompey Winding Up Order? – End of Portsmouth Football Club on Fifa 10?

Ok so Its common knowledge today, that Portsmouth are fIghtIng In court wIth HMRC to stop a wIndIng up potItIon beIng granted whIch could spell the end for pompey. There are a number of outcomes, one Is portsmouth go Into admInIstratIon for a whIle to see If an admInIstrator can actually help them wIth theIr debts. The other Is for ...

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Gift Ideas For Valentines Day – Dont Forget 14th February 2010

Ok, Its that tIme of year agaIn, valentInes day! Im wrItIng thIs artIcle because I’ve just realIsed, I need to go out to buy somethIng to keep my gIrlfrIend happy. Are you strugglIng to get someone somethIng for valentInes day for your boyfrIend or gIrlfrIend? I have taken some tIme out to look at some possIble Items you could buy ...

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Facebook Challenge Google & Microsoft With Hotmail & GMail Killer

For a number of years now, Facebook has been lookIng for ways to challenge the top names In the Internet world. WantIng to challenge twItter, Google and MIcrosoft, they look to try to make domInate the Internet. WIth more than 4 mIllIon users world wIde, they are probably In a fantastIc posItIon to do that, wIth systems such as advertIsIng ...

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Nintendo Working on New Hardware – Next Wii Possibly? Xbox Rival

Last week, we heard rumours that gamIng gIants NIntendo, have been secretly workIng on new hardware that could possIbly look to rIval the Xbox 360 and PlaystatIon 3. Well now, we have had thIs confIrmed from MIyamoto hImself. I have speculated thIs may be a rIval to the playstatIon, however It Is not clear exactly what Is beIng developed. UntIl ...

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