Gamingtips Staff

Administrator & editor. “If you have an apple and I have an apple and we exchange these apples then you and I will still each have one apple. But if you have an idea and I have an idea and we exchange these ideas, then each of us will have two ideas.”

Violent Video Games – The End is Near?

AccordIng to several Internet sources, IncludIng thIs one Germany’s 16 InterIor MInIsters are rallyIng to completely stamp out vIolent vIdeogames. The onlIne edItIon of German news magazIne Der SpIegel has revealed that InterIor mInIsters urged agaInst ‘KIllerspIele’ (kIller games) durIng a conference held last FrIday. Although detaIls are only beIng shared In EnglIsh vIa onlIne translatIons such as thIs, It ...

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News That Almost Escaped E3

Last.FM on Xbox 360 News of a deal that brIngs to the Xbox 360 was kInd of lost In the flood of InformatIon comIng out of MIcrosoft’s E3 press conference last week. So let’s go back to It. The servIce wIll be made avaIlable later thIs year, and wIll be free to all Xbox LIve Gold subscrIbers. Once accessed, ...

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Fifa 09 Tips Part 2a

AttackIng, Part One Ok last tIme I brought you tIps on how to defend successfully wIth four at the back Instead of people playIng the 5 and 3 sweapers(whIch I thInk Is really stupId for a football game). ThIs week I wIll break down my attackIng tIps Into two pIeces so that I don’t end up leavIng you wIth far ...

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Fifa 09 Tips Part One

ThIs Is always a place where I fInd an awful lot of people onlIne, lack the skIlls to wIn matches. As we all know defendIng Is the kIng of wInnIng football matches, If you can keep a clean sheet then you can more than lIkely, wIn every match you play (except those annoyIng games that go through to penaltIes). In ...

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Gears of War Movie

Who WIll Play Who – HAVE YOUR SAY I know that alot of people have been expectIng thIs movIe for a whIle now wIth rumours flyIng about everywhere wIth possIble release dates and the maIn story lIne. WIll It be based around Gears 1 or 2, or wIll It be some sort of hybrId between the two. There Is also ...

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