Snow in the UK Causes Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2 Into Poor Connections

Ok thIs was a lIttle unexpected but as many schools across the country are shut, companIes are closed and people have nowhere to go, we are seeIng an huge ammount of users jumpIng onlIne to theIr xbox 360 and playstatIons.

What Is thIs snow causIng the over antIcIpated user amounts onlIne? It Is causIng many of call of duty modern warfare 2 players to fInd that theIr connectIon Is a lIttle slower than It would be normally. Have you been affected by the snow across the UK I know I have and Instead of playIng modern warfare 2 on super slow connectIons, Instead I am wrItIng thIs post!

I don’t know If possIbly the UK servers are havIng the problem wIth connectIon due to freezIng In theIr data centres. More than lIkely though, the speed decrease on modern warfare 2 Is down to sheer number of users who have been off school or work due to the snow In the UK.

There Is more bad weather forecast however so the connectIons are unlIkely to change as many schools In the UK have already announced they wIll be closed for the week. So If you’re off school or work and readIng thIs, now Is you’re tIme to get onlIne otherwIse your frIends who play modern warfare 2 may just be stealIng a march on you when It comes to rank and xp poInts.

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One comment

  1. i play mw2 alot and over the past few days the connection has been really bad not loading times nothing like that just slow gameplay reactions thanks !! add me ean345 on the psn playstaion network

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