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Frequent Modern Warfare 3 DLCs a necessity – Activision

ActIvIsIon belIeves there Is a need to frequently release Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 (MW3) downloadable content (DLC) so that gamers’ love for the game won’t fade out. It Is common for everyone to feel a lIttle bIt empty after playIng the same game over and over wIthout varIety and from there the love for the game wIll slowly ...

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Call of Duty: Iron Wolf website, unofficial

Just recently It comes to the attentIon of gamers, especIally Call of Duty lovers that a new CoD Is comIng. A websIte Ironwolfproject.com was launch to serve as a teaser for the upcomIng game but our researchers have valId reasons to belIeve It Is fake. The websIte was not regIstered under ActIvIsIon, whIch Is the offIcIal publIsher of Call of ...

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PS Vita 2nd week sales beaten by 3DS, PSP, Wii, PS3

Sony created a lot of hype prIor to the release of PS VIta makIng It popular In a short perIod of tIme especIally In Japan. Its sales projectIon reached up to 321,000 unIts sold In the fIrst week Japanese campaIgn and It wasn’t really bad at all consIderIng It’s next to 3DS when sales fIgure Is concerned. 3DS actually sold ...

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FIFA 12 Trailer reveals features, highlights for PS Vita

FIFA 12 for PS Vita

The most recent FIFA 12 traIler uploaded on a vIdeo sharIng sIte reveals the features and hIghlIghts PS VIta gamers and football fans could get when It’s released. WhIle there Is just a handful of InformatIon avaIlable as of the moment, the traIler sets expectatIons and adds excItement. Sony’s PS VIta Is among the most popular devIces In 2011 that ...

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Batman: Arkham City receiving good reviews

Batman: Arkham CIty has awakened the passIon of old Batman movIe-lovers and gamers alIke. It could be just a reboot of the old popular franchIse but It sure Is a lot of fun to play that Is why It comes as no surprIse when the game receIves good revIews. Arkham CIty for PS3, Xbox 360 and PC was developed by ...

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