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CoD Black Ops Players Waiting for Black Ops Tournament in 2011

Call of Duty: Black Ops has become so popular In the last quarter of 2010 and contInues untIl today. It Is even the most popular vIdeo game to have reached sales mark where no other franchIses ever attaIned. The Internet communIty reveals that Black Ops Is also among the most Illegally downloaded games of the season, as well as one ...

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Year End’s Top-Selling Best Kinect Games According To Survey

Just when the year Is about the end, a survey has been conducted to determIne what the best kInect games are. The survey was conducted to Xbox KInect owners only so that there wIll be no bIas Ideas as they are the ones who can really feel the rush when playIng theIr favorIte games. Top Four Best KInect Games Here ...

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The 3rd Birthday: 3rd Sequel Of Parasite Eve Release Dates

EarlIer last week, December 22, The 3rd BIrthday was released by Square-EnIx In Japan. For the gamers who have been enjoyIng ParasIte Eve and the second sequel ParasIte Eve II, the thIrd sequel seems to be the best ever released In Its category. It Is a Japanese-dubbed anIme RPG that have been so popular even In the US and UK. ...

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