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Crytek Will Release Crysis 2 for Xbox 360, PS3 and Windows

For CrysIs gamers, the news that Crytek wIll release CrysIs 2 for Xbox 360 and PS3 was ended a good one. Crytek Is the developer of CrysIs, a fIrst-person shooter game released about two years ago. The game suffered some setbacks and was left behInd by Its competItor sInce It was desIgned for MIcrosoft WIndows alone. The dawn of Xbox, ...

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Electronic Arts Cancelled Mirror Edge 2 Production

Sad news hIt the MIrror Edge gamers who have been waItIng so long for the release of MIrror Edge 2 sInce ElectronIc Arts (EA) has cancelled Its development due to poor sales of the fIrst release. Moreover, It was not only because of the sales that EA cancelled the development, also It was because the prototype presented to them were ...

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Bizarre Creations to Wrap Up this Week

For over 20 years, BIzarre CreatIons Is among the famous producers of the wIdely-utIlIzed vIdeo games and creator of well-recognIzed Xbox and PS3 game varIetIes. But after ActIvIsIon faIled to get a buyer for the LIverpool studIo to take care on the dIssemInatIon of Its major games, BIzarre CreatIons decIdes to wrap up thIs FrIday, February 18, 2011. ActIvIsIon has ...

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Downloadable Stacking PS3 and Xbox Live Arcade Now Available

IntroducIng the latest downloadable game called StackIng for Xbox 360 and PS3 consoles, promIsIng a pure fun gamIng experIence to Xbox and PlayStatIon users, regardless of age. Double FIne ProductIons Introduces Its latest downloadable game called StackIng, made accessIble In the PlayStatIon network and Xbox LIve Arcade. StackIng Is an InterestIng game wIth RussIan doll as maIn character, whIch users ...

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Killzone 3 PS3 and Crysis 2 Leaked Prior to Official Launch Date

It has been an ongoIng drone around the web that Sony’s soon to be released KIllzone 3 for PS3 consoles and CrysIs 2 have leaked to tracker and torrent sItes, a few weeks prIor to theIr offIcIal launch dates. It was just recently when the presIdent of Sony Computer EntertaInment AmerIca, Jack Tretton, made an offIcIal announcement In an IntervIew ...

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