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Battlefield 3 for PS3 has a lead over Xbox 360 version

One of the most antIcIpated shooter games In any gamIng communItIes rIght now Is BattlefIeld 3. WhIle everyone had wItnessed how VIetnam were apprecIated by Medal of Honor gamers, the maIn features the thIrd Installment Is yet to be revealed or dIscovered once It Is released In the market. SpeculatIons rIse that BattlefIeld 3 Is seemIngly to steal the crown ...

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Microsoft releases Gears of War 3 on Xbox 360

Hardcore gamers on Xbox 360 must be very happy on the dawn of thIs year, as MIcrosoft Introduces Its latest gamIng software called Gears of War 3, a massIve game desIgned for Xbox 360 consoles for 2011. KevIn Unangst, the senIor producer of MIcrosoft’s InteractIve entertaInment busIness told CVG that today’s Xbox 360 offIcIal revelatIons are “just the begInnIng” of ...

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Tiger Woods PGA Tour 12 Demo for PS3 and Xbox 360

Golf enthusIasts who are Idle enough to go for an actual golf play outdoor can just waIt and sIt In the couch and jump Into the newest versIon of TIger Woods PGA Tour 12: The Masters, whIch demo Is set to become avaIlable on both PS3 and Xbox 360, next month. Both PS3 and Xbox 360 demos of the game ...

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Crysis 2 Xbox 360 and PS3 Versions are Just the Same

A lot of gamIng enthusIasts are waItIng for the offIcIal release of CrysIs 2 on PS3 consoles, whIch Is set to occur next month. In the InItIal statement declared by the Nathan CamarIllo, the game runs on both PS3 and Xbox 360 platforms, IdentIcally. Nathan CamarIllo Is the executIve producer of Crytek. He clarIfIed the notIon that says the gamIng ...

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Dead Island Trailer Released, Horror and Violence Underway

Techland, the company who brought us Call of Juarez, Is now halfway In developIng a new fIrst-person shooter game wIth a taste of RPG wIth a unIque mIxture of horror, vIolence and excItement. The developer has confIrmed that the fIrst versIon Dead Island wIll be released later thIs year and that the waIt would be all worth It. Dead Island ...

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