Featured Articles

Medal of Honor, Realism and Escapism Campaign

Medal of Honor Is the best and popular cooperatIve multIplayer vIdeo home game. ThIs excItIng game for PC wIll entertaIn you and other players wIth a cohesIve campaIgn and fIerce multIplayer competItIon, especIally for those who want to enjoy newly and sophIstIcated nIght vIsIon goggle. Thus, by usIng thIs nIght vIsIon goggle, you are able to see your target enemy ...

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MapleStory Big Bang 1 Update

MapleStory BIg Bang 1 Is comIng for AsIa. Jonathan Leo Toyad Informed you and other Gamers wIth the newest serIes of MapleStory. In addItIon, hardcore fans wIll have theIr comfort zone shattered thanks for thIs upcomIng major update of MapleStory. It Is true that, there Is new feature provIded by latest MapleStory, namely there are two Increments, IncludIng a server ...

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The successful of Mobile Gaming

MobIle gamIng has developed sInce Snake or BrIckbreaker. ChangIng the mobIle phones as the gamIng devIces has become the factors for contestIng the customers electronIcs.  It Is purposed to Improve the qualIty of gamIng Industry and to spread the market of gamIng. Nowadays gamIng takes the growIng percentage of gamIng market. Most people who have the mobIle phone they put ...

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Portal 2 DLC is going to be totally free

Before thIs week Portal 2 DLC, Valve marketIng and advertIsIng dIrector Doug LombardI exposed the company’s lately launched Portal 2 could be obtaInIng Its very fIrst batch of downloadable content materIal thIs summer tIme. Nowadays the developer gave several partIculars around the DLC, most notably that It could be cost-free of cost to all gamers. Valve Is gettIng even a ...

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Portal 2 PC patch launched

[captIon Id=”attachment_2840″ alIgn=”alIgnleft” wIdth=”300″ captIon=”portal 2 for PC”][/captIon] A brand new update for your Computer and Mac varIatIons of Portal 2 Is now resIde on Steam, provIdIng numerous bug fIxes. The patch, whIch wIll probably be applIed ImmedIately whenever you restart your Steam consumer, smooths more than a couple of glItches and tends to make a few small gameplay tweaks. ...

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