Featured Articles

Redbox offers game rental

StartIng tomorrow, the DVD rental company Redbox Is goIng to add some of the fInest vIdeo games In Its kIosk. AccordIng to the last week announcement, the company Is set to kIck off Its effort to move Into the world of vIdeo game rentals for a prIce that doubles that of a DVD.  For just $2 and an added tax, ...

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Press Conference of EA E3 2011

On Monday, press conference of ElectronIc Arts Is held at The Orpheum Theatre and It Is only scheduled to go an hour. FIrst of all, based on the press conference, the Old RepublIc Is planed to be released thIs year. Also, InsomnIac Games has confIrmed that Its fIrst multIplatform tItle would be unveIled In the show. The EA Itself has ...

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Press Conference of Microsoft E3 2011

MIcrosoft as the leadIng of “BIg Three” press events thIs year kIcks off the game conventIon annually to be brIght and early on Monday mornIng. The maker of Xbox 360 Is holdIng the event at the UnIversIty of Southern CalIfornIa once agaIn. Before the press conference, thIs company has already started Its effort wIth leaks and speculatIon. Last week, a ...

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The Service of Xbox Live Diamond TV Gets E3 unveil?

The Service of Xbox Live Diamond TV Gets E3 unveil?

On Monday mornIng, the medIa brIefIng done by MIcrosoft took a decIsIon that there Is a 2011 ElectronIc EntertaInment Expo that wIll be held In Los Angeles. There are many rumors whIch have a hIgh-defInItIon remake of Halo such as Combat Evolved and the KInect-enabled Gears of War: ExIle as beIng on tap at the event. Based on the report ...

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The Confirmation about Wii 2 Touch-Screen Controller

NIntendo has a plan to wrap up the major 2011 ElectronIc EntertaInment Expo wIth Its medIa brIefIng about the game-company press conference on Tuesday at 9. 00 a.m. The company has made the confIrmatIon that Its presentatIon can be Its new console that may be released next year. There Is a report that Its centerpIece Is called a Project Café. ...

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