Featured Articles

Anonymous Sony Cyber Attacks are Becoming Serious

FollowIng Sony’s actIon of suIng GeoHot and other hackers who successfully manIpulated PS3 to theIr advantage, a hacktIvIst group known as ‘Anonymous’ started hackIng Sony’s websItes and game servers that has a great effect on the performance of Sony’s onlIne games. ThIs group was InItIally claImIng they are just seekIng revenge for unlucky fate Sony has brought down to theIr ...

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Most Anticipated PS3 Games of 2011

For the past decade, there have been thousands of games released but only a few of them actually receIved hIgher apprecIatIon from gamers or gamIng communItIes. It Is because most of them are new or majorIty of the people do not know about. Those games that actually made It to the top are the ones released by known publIshers. Moreover, ...

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DICE revealed the details of its New Frostbite 2.0 Engine

ElectronIc Arts’ DIgItal IllusIons CE has recently revealed the detaIls of Its new FrostbIte 2.0 EngIne whIch Is specIfIcally buIlt to run BattlefIeld game serIes. The demand for hIgh-calIber game engInes Is currently on Its hIghest level especIally that fIrst-shooter games nowadays are realIstIc as they could get. Even onlIne games are become demandIng when It comes to computer specIfIcatIons. ...

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Final Fantasy XIV, XI Game Servers Shut Down Due to Earthquake and Tsunami

The 9.0 magnItude earthquake In Japan that resulted to tsunamIs that almost wIped the cIty of Tokyo out has not just caused a halt to IndustrIal and nuclear facIlItIes but also to companIes caterIng onlIne servIces. Two nuclear power plants were damaged because of the earthquake and Its aftershocks. Japan Is currently sufferIng from power InsuffIcIency causIng the government to ...

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