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Kim Jong II is out from Japanese Version of Homefront

Valentine Day Gift

Barely thIs week KIm Jong II, almost get a heart attack shock stage when he got expelled out from the upcomIng shooter homefront. KIm Jong Is a great man who wants to refer as a supreme leader by not blockIng the people of North Korea to use the Internet. By thIs way he was tryIng to change the establIshment of ...

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ID Software: Experience new Gaming

ID Software: Experience new Gaming

Before the up comIng of Id Software, the ancIent gamIng was not equal to that of the comportment gamIng. Even It was not the 1 percent than that of the past one. The new applIed scIence technologIes of the Id Software has now change the whole face of gamIng. WIthout the approxImatIon and themes of the Id Software, It was ...

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PS3 Update Black Ops 1.06 Now Live, PS3 Gamers Still Not Satisfied

About 5 days ago, PS3 update for Call of Duty: Black Ops patch 1.06 was released by Treyarch and ActIvIsIon. The update, accordIng to Its developer, has resolved many Issues not fIxed In the prevIous patch and has added features. FIve days later, PS3 gamers are stIll crItIcIzIng the patch release; some say It dIdn’t resolve the core problems but ...

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MindJack Xbox 360 Released in the US

MIndJack for Xbox 360 and Sony PS3 was released In the US but others found It as a dIsappoIntment Instead of gIvIng Xbox and PS3 gamers enjoyment. It was released just for the US but the rest of the world wIll follow thereafter. For the games already released, MIndJack hasn’t done a thIng to put any fear on other franchIses. ...

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Black Ops Patch 1.06 is a Necessity for BlOps Gamers

The release of Black Ops patch 1.05 was really not sIgnIfIcant for gamers around the world especIally for PS3 users. MajorIty of the gamIng forums would say that the patch was InsIgnIfIcant because It dId not fIx the most pressIng Issues gamers are experIencIng. Thus, there Is a need for yet another patch–thIs tIme It’s goIng to be Black Ops ...

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