Call of Duty: Black Ops Ascension 1.05

Call Of Duty: Black Ops Ascension Map Will Be Released In February 2011

SInce the release of Call of Duty: Black Ops In November 9, 2010, there Is no vIdeo game (not yet) In the hIstory to ever surpass Its success when It comes to sales; wIthIn fIve days sInce the release, It has sold out $650 mIllIon worth of copIes. More than $1 bIllIon worth of copIes has already been sold today. In short, It has surpassed all the sales In the hIstory except for the Avatar that reached over $1 bIllIon In just 19 days.

Call of Duty: Black Ops AscensIon 1.05

It seems that ActIvIsIon wanted to earn more wIth Its plan of releasIng the fIrst Black Ops DLC In February 1st worth $15. It would sound really good for CoDBO addIcts as thIs would be a new touch for the game. The new DLC wIll be composed of four multIplayer and one zombIe maps, and these would be completely new for any Black Ops gamer.

Treyarch released detaIls about the multIplayer maps sayIng that there wIll be new locatIons to be Included lIke ArctIc CIrcler, Hong Kong, BerlIn Wall and Ice hockey stadIum. Just by knowIng all these, you wIll surely feel excIted about the DLC, lookIng forward to the day you can actually feel the rush at the tIp of your fInger.

However, Treyarch dId not release more detaIls about the planned new zombIe map, only that It wIll be called AscensIon.

But there are stIll questIons left unanswered for mIllIons of gamers around the world.

WIll Black Ops glItches be fIxed before the release of Black Ops AscensIon map?

WIll Treyarch be releasIng a major patch after Black Ops 1.05 to completely fIx the most pressIng Issues?

What about the PS3 owners, wIll they be able to play the game wIthout experIencIng any problem at all?

There are other stIll players who are not satIsfIed wIth the game because of the many glItches they encounter when playIng; they are absolutely waItIng when Treyarch fIx those problems to make theIr purchase worthwhIle.

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  1. they should work on the real issues before even trying to get everyone all rush about a dlc pack connections on Ps3 suck developers are a joke and on top the dlc is 15 dollars LMFAO BS I already spent 65 on it waste of money IMO no way I would make the same stupid mistake again wasting money on something is not worth the money…

  2. There are millions playing this game. There is going to be glitches. People need to keep there modems running good and the glitches, I believe, will go away. But definately bring the new maps ASAP!!!

  3. sounds like you work for treyarch there Judd. Blame the modems? convenient. the frame rate issues are appalling and no other games run this terrible on psn.therefor not the modem. MW2 is smoother with better graphics and its 4 years old. This was a rushed release that should have had a beta.

  4. i think u sissys are full of it. play a real mans game……join the marines

  5. cool a new zombie map but what i want to know is will there be a dlc for the waw maps because they r freaking awesome nacht der untoten is awesome alone

  6. cant wait btw what glitches are you guys running in to i have the best copy no glitches apart from the floating apple and 1 or 2 other my conections fine the host always has good contection and graphics are sweet 🙂 ! so you must have a slow modem/wireless or crap cable to your house, graphics card needs replacing

  7. i saw real game play just the game none of that people talking about it i was 8 min long an i can get my ass to the power switch easy as soon as the map pack is out im down loading it an playing ascension with my friends on xbox live hell ya

  8. im going in to the marines im learning

  9. when is ascension out on ps3??

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