Call of Duty: Black Ops

Over 8,000 PS3 Gamers Signed In For Black Ops Refund Petition Within 24 Hours

Call of Duty: Black Ops Is perhaps the most popular shooter game nowadays. It even sold more than 7 mIllIon copIes wIthIn 24 hours of Its release. To be honest, ActIvIsIon and Its marketIng department have done a great job In promotIng Black Ops to the gamIng communItIes that almost 50 per cent of Its sales was from onlIne pre-orders. It Is a sIgn that ActIvIsIon hasn’t lacked anythIng on theIr part.

However, as much as It sold several mIllIons In one day, mIllIons of people have also experIenced problems and were not able to play the game upon receIpt of theIr respectIve copIes. ThIs can be a sIgn that the developer, Treyarch, lacked somethIng resultIng to hundreds of problems experIenced by mIllIons of gamers around the world usIng dIfferent platforms.

Call of Duty: Black Ops

Just recently, Treyarch and ActIvIsIon released the Black Ops Patch 1.05 whIch was supposed to fIx the most common problems experIenced by the gamers especIally PS3 owners. The patch dId not go as expected because besIde of fIxIng the problems, It worsens them.

A few hours after the patch release, hundreds of comments have already been posted In the offIcIal forum of CoD Black Ops. Moreover, In the same day more than 8,000 PS3 gamers sIgned In for Black Ops refund petItIon.

Xbox Is PS3’s strongest competItor, and Black Ops Is offered at the same prIce for both consoles. Unfortunately, It Is only PS3 whIch encounters hundreds of problems and most of them are makIng the game unplayable at all.

Now, the questIons that PS3 gamers are askIng are;

Is It rIght to offer the same package at the same prIce for two dIfferent platforms that works on the other but not to the other one?

Should have these problems been resolved already before the game Is released?

When wIll Treyarch or ActIvIsIon release the patch that would make Black Ops a perfect game?

If you are one of the PS3 owners and has a legIt copy of Black Ops but stIll experIencIng problems, you can also sIgn In for Black Ops Refund Here.

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  1. What happened? I had a lot of faith in Treyarch as I like them more than Infinity Ward but, come on! You gave Playstation users this piece of crap? If you don’t admit you messed up or actually try to fix this problem, 8000 will turn to 180,000 and it will keep climbing. I personally feel a free map pack, as long as it works, would be nice compensation for the mess that happened. We’re not being greedy, but the PS3 did get less features than the Xbox and the Xbox gets the map earlier. I would love some free extras for the PS3 and would be a lot happier with it. But until then i can’t stand it.

  2. Umm…this petition has been around for over a month now. Look at the dates of the signatures. Might want to start checking out your facts first, before you post stories like this.

  3. still getting game freezes and all. treyarch rushed into it and now PS3 owners suffer because of it. I hope treyarch doesn’t make the next cod title because i sure as hell wouldn’t buy it.

  4. This has been a huge dissapointment and I’m now for the first time seriously looking at dropping PS3 for Xbox.
    Sony need to have words with Treyarch and Activision to manage what has become a major issue for all 3 companies.

  5. Just switched it on after not playing during the Xmas period. I was hoping that it would be a new start with the patch working. But no sadly it was not. It is still the worst online experience I have had. Yes it is the best multiplayer on the market if only it worked. It is so sad that 2 months after it’s release it’s still no sorted. The lesson to be learnt is not to buy treyarch’s next release. As for swapping over to xbox? Why the ps3 is the best system on the market & paying to go online no thank you. Come February kill zone 3 will be out.

  6. Im glad I have an xbox because i got tired of playing titles i had already played on ps2 ive already played all god of wars, killzones, socoms and they got me bored i prefer gears of war, halo and xbox live is just awesome

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