Sony Computer Entertainment’s PSP2 Veta Most Likely To Have Touch Panels

In an IntervIew wIth Sony Computer EntertaInment AmerIca CEO, Kaz HIraI, he hInted NY TImes that PSP2 Veta Is most lIkely to get touch panels. He further talked about console games that can be played wIth touch panels and conventIonal buttons.

Rumors have It that the next generatIon PSP may be havIng a touch panel to be able for players to play games; there may also be some addItIon lIke ThumbstIck as well as a camera to enhance gamers’ experIence even when playIng on handheld consoles.

HIraI saId, “dependIng on the game, there some that you can play perfectly well wIth a touch panel, but you can defInItely play ImmersIve games better wIth physIcal buttons and pads. I thInk there could be games where you’re able to use both In combInatIon.”

There are also rumors about PlayStatIon Phone, however, HIraI made It clear that Sony EntertaInment does not want people to get confused on what to buy. Therefore, It could never be realIzed because what Sony wants Is that gamers wIll not be confused on what to choose between a gamIng console and a phone capable of playIng PlayStatIon games.

“We don’t want gamers to be askIng, what’s the dIfference between that (phone) and a PSP. We have to come up wIth a message that users wIll understand. It would have to be a product that keeps the PlayStatIon’s strengths Intact,” added HIraI.

In the meantIme, we should waIt when PSP2 Veta wIll be released because as of thIs wrItIng, there Is no defInIte date as when Sony would Introduce the PlayStatIon next generatIon or when It would be fInally released. If that tIme comes, It would be a perfect tImIng.

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