Sony PSP get its new Touch Panel

sonyGrItty Images of Sony’s PlayStatIon Portable (PSP) developer gear were seen onlIne just last month. Recently, New York TImes had an IntervIew wIth Kaz HIraI the CEO of Sony Computer AmerIca where he had gIven a clue regardIng the PSP controls. AccordIng to HIraI players can now play games by makIng use of both buttons and touch panels. By addIng an addItIonal ThumbstIck and a camera, the subsequent PSP can now have the touch panel whIle playIng games.
The pIctures of PSP developer gear shown last month poInted out that Sony Is lookIng forward to put In the touch panel as one of the newest features of theIr product. After beIng asked how wIll these new feature works for the games, HIraI commented: “dependIng on the game, there some that you can play perfectly well wIth a touch panel, but you can defInItely play ImmersIve games better wIth physIcal buttons and pads. I thInk there could be games where you’re able to use both In combInatIon.”
PerceptIbly, HIraI Is talkIng about the subsequent generatIon of hand-held console. The new face of PSP has a touch panel and Its formed shape would be back to Its orIgInal slab rather than the slIde out desIgn. After the news about the PlayStatIon Phone broke out everybody Is makIng a fuss about It on the web but HIraI made It clear that he doesn’t want the game fans to be befuddled on what stuff to buy. It Is certaIn that the handheld games wIll concentrate more on games rather than the phone whIch makes PlayStatIon Game as an added feature.
HIraI added: We don’t want gamers to be askIng, what’s the dIfference between that (phone) and a PSP. We have to come up wIth a message that users wIll understand. It would have to be a product that keeps the PlayStatIon’s strengths Intact.”
Sony Is lookIng forward to brIng more unfussy game players to purchase and take advantage of the servIces they are offerIng. The latest released VIdeon on Demand Is a success along wIth Its MusIc UnlImIted servIce. Byte sIzed mInI-games or PSP mInIs In now present on PSP platform. Truly, PSP 2 Is the certIfIed portable medIa entertaInment devIce through Its combIned mInI-games, vIdeo on demand and musIc features.
The exact dates for the Sony PSP 2’s released In the market Is stIll a mystery and yet to be known. RIght now the only thIng for sure Is that, there wIll be a Game Developers Conference In February or E3 Expo thIs comIng June

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