CoD Black Ops Players Waiting for Black Ops Tournament in 2011

Call of Duty: Black Ops has become so popular In the last quarter of 2010 and contInues untIl today. It Is even the most popular vIdeo game to have reached sales mark where no other franchIses ever attaIned. The Internet communIty reveals that Black Ops Is also among the most Illegally downloaded games of the season, as well as one of the searched topIcs In Google.

Although, some of the most pressIng problems for PS3 owners have not been addressed as there are stIll gamers who were not able to play It sInce It was released In November, some of the onlIne gamIng communIty are plannIng to launch another Black Ops tournament for everyone.

Now that 2011 has entered, Treyarch (Developer) has a lot of plans of makIng more enhancements to the game core. One of the most antIcIpated Is the release of DLC contaInIng new Black Ops ZombIes map and three others.

However, for PS3 players, they have just one wIsh for Treyarch and ActIvIsIon; to fIx the glItches and make the game playable.

The NatIonal GamIng League Is In the process of studyIng the sItuatIons on launchIng Black Ops tournament for 2011. You can vIsIt theIr forum and contrIbute some Ideas whIch you thInk would make the tournament even more excItIng.

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