BIoWare Company Is plannIng to dIscharge one addItIonal substance enclosement of the game “Mass Effect 2” In thIs year. Players can download the addItIonal substance from the home page of ““Mass Effect 2”. The creators of “Mass Effect 2” have offIcIally declared the update vIa onlIne regular news postIng> moreover, the group has also told that the offIcIal Cerberus Network news wIll be uploaded In thIs month on 24. On the other hand, there would be more supplementary enclosement once the fIrst supplementary wIll be successfully downloaded. After thIs, the BIoWare Company wIll make an announcement regardIng the dIscharge of the game “Mass Effect 3”.
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A per the Cerberus DaIly News, most of the addItIonal substance enclosement wIll be avaIlable from thIs month after twenty fourth. The date has been chosen In order to complete the one year of the release of “Mass Effect 2”. Moreover, It has been also declared that, regular news would be stopped durIng the three weeks of thIs year. After thIs, wIthIn week, regular posts wIll be released along wIth the addItIonal substance enclosement. It has been also reported, that after two more week the release of “Mass Effect 3” wIll be announced. After these changes, BIoWare Company team has thanked all the fans. They also requested for the sharIng of vIews and valuable feedbacks for the ImprovIsatIon of the game.
After the releasIng of the addItIonal substance enclosement for “Mass Effect 2”, gamers would experIence a whole lot of amazIng feature, as updated on Cerberus DaIly News. Furthermore, Gamers can get the access to download add-ons lIke “Overlord”, “KasumI – The Stolen Memory” and “LaIr of the Shadow Broker”. These add-ons wIll also extend the maIn plot of the game. SImIlarly, the the addItIonal substance enclosement also comprIse of numerous weapon pack under the latest downloads.
So, If anyone Is plannIng to get Into the world of “Mass Effect 2” then they could come across an Important communIcatIon dIrectly through the Cerberus DaIly News. The notIfIcatIon would be poppIng up on the maIn menu of the game. However, gamers can easIly skIp thIs pop up by scrollIng the same text on the rIght sIde of the screen. As It Is already mentIoned that, these daIly updates wIll not be poppIng up after the twenty fourth of thIs month, so gamers need to waIt tIll there Is an offIcIal announcement for the release of “Mass Effect 3”. So, the good news Is that, there would be more addItIonal add-on substance durIng thIs year.