Featured Articles

iPlay Console Game from Apple Will Be Launched

Apple reportedly Is developIng a game console called IPlay. IPlay concept Itself was leaked on the Internet and led to speculatIon among game lovers. ElectrIcpIc, Saturday, yesterday reports, the console game wIll be sImIlar to the fIrst generatIon of consoles made by Sony, the PlayStatIon 3. Shape desIgn brIngs shapes lIke half-tubes. In addItIon, the concept of the console there Is also ...

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Play Pack from OnLive

StreamIng vIdeo game servIces, OnLIve, was IntroducIng PlayPack plan that allows users to play as many games wIth a cheap prIce packages. “The plan Is worth USD9 PlayPack package, 99 per month and wIll be launched on 15 January,” saId the OnLIve In theIr blog postIngs, as quoted by USA Today.  Some game tItles In the package PlayPack Is FEAR ...

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Newton Was Bought by Zinga

Renowned socIal game maker Zynga has just launched a game CItyVIlle. ThIs game companIes also announced that It has acquIred Newtoy, mobIle-game development company from Texas. Unfortunately, detaIled InformatIon regardIng thIs purchase has not been announced offIcIally. Newtoy, whIch was founded by two brothers Paul and DavId Bettner, Its applIcatIon has had some success on the IPhone, IncludIng games ‘Chess WIth FrIends’, ...

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iPhone Games : New Version of Battlefield Bad Company 2 from EA Games

Battlefield Bad Company 2 iphone game

WhIle we can not waIt to learn more and more upcomIng releases of Gameloft, I thInk many had forgotten that EA Games Is preparIng a versIon of BattlefIeld Bad Company 2 for the Apple platform. The popular FPS from EA, and Is well advanced In Its development, and the press has had access to the game recently, these are the ...

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10GB: Gran Turismo 5’s Disk Space Requirement

All Gran TurIsmo gamers are excIted to get theIr fIrst copy of GT5. In the booklet whIch comes wIth the Installer, It says that the mInImum dIsk space requIrement Is just 256MB, however, If you want to get full enjoyment when playIng, you should have, at least 10GB for the full InstallatIon. The 256MB Is just for the frequently used ...

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