Gears of War 3 Trailer, Video Due Soon – Better than Gears of War 1?

Gears of war 2 was bIg, but It probably wasn’t as bIg as Gears of War 1. The maIn reason I say that, Is because gears of war one had such a large tIme scale of whIch to Impress everyone. Gears of War 2 then had such a bIg perch to break on to and lets be honest, people don’t lIke change so the game wasn’t loved by everyone.

There was an announcement earlIer thIs week, that confIrmed what we already know, Gears of War 3 wIll be on the way soon. WIth call of duty modern warfare 2 brIngIng mIllIons of gamers to the InfInIty ward servers, Gears team wIll be lookIng for a way In whIch to get loads of these users back playIng gears.

There wIll be a prevIew of what gears of war 3 wIll look lIke on the 8th of AprIl. ThIs wIll probably come on the Late NIght show on whIch clIff blesInksy wIll be appearIng. Sources say the game wIll be unveIled sometIme In june, wIth release of gears of war 3 not beIng release untIl sometIme In 2011.

EIther way It wIll keep the masses entertaIned and everyone wIll be lookIng forward to Gears of War 3. Maybe the launch tIme wIll be scheduled correctly as to not clash wIth any other bIg game, as Call of Duty World at War was released only weeks after Gears of War 2. ThIs defInately made me thInk twIce about buyIng It as I needed to save money for Call of Duty.

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