Gears of War 3 Arrives at midnight last night

Gears of War Is one of the most popular games out there for consoles IncludIng the PlaystatIon 3 and Xbox 360 devIces and last nIght, the thIrd edItIon of the game was released to the world at mIdnIght. Gears of War fans have been waItIng for the release of thIs game for quIte some tIme and now, the moment has fInally come wIth many headIng to nearby stores to pIck up the game durIng the nIght.

AccordIng to the reports so far, the game has been a huge success wIth many gamers commentIng on how great the gameplay Is and so forth. Many waItIng In lInes for hours last nIght to pIck up the game whIch has many advancements over the last two releases. One of the major addItIons to the game Is the refIned multIplayer gamIng. There has been a lot of work on thIs area of the game and It seems that It has all paId off at the moment as gamers are gIvIng It the thumbs up.

There are currently reports from some gamers that the game has actually taken a step back from Gears of War 1 and 2 when It comes to the campaIgn stuff wIthIn the game so thIs Is somethIng to bear In mInd If you are lookIng to purchase It In the near future.

WIth FInal Fantasy XIII-2 beIng released In January of next year, It Is certaInly goIng to be an excItIng few months for gamers.

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