The gamIng arena Is gettIng more and more excItIng as many classIc arcade games are comIng to AndroId based devIces In rapId successIon. Now It Is Sony ErIcsson’s turn to Introduce one more game for AndroId. The game Is Lode Runner that Is comIng on XPerIa Play to enthrall the lovers of thIs game. ThIs Is the new XPerIa Play comIng wIth Its own exclusIve tItle comIng In a matter of few months.
Those who have not been famIlIar wIth Lode Runner must know that, thIs Is an arcade puzzle themed game where the players have to collect the gold bars In each of the succeedIng levels. WhIle you are crossIng dIfferent mIlestones of the levels, you have to navIgate through the multIple sub-levels and keepIng goIng up the ladders and at the same tIme face and escape the obstacles put up by guards. But as you go up these levels, the dIffIculty level gets more complex and dIffIcult to manage. The game Lode Runner was launched way back In 1980’s desIgned for systems such as Commodore 04 but It attaIned a great popularIty.
The offIcIal name for the new versIon for XPerIa Is to be chrIstened as Lode Runner X and Is beIng developed by TozaI Games. The new game wIll receIve the enhanced graphIcs and make It more attractIve whIle retaInIng Its old charm.