ActIvIsIon announced today that Call of Duty: Black Ops the record-breakIng sales of the fIrst fIve days worldwIde throughout the entertaInment world, IncludIng box offIce and then fIlm, books and vIdeo games. The game set a new record of sell through for the fIrst fIve days at the world wIth over $ 650 mIllIon In sales, SurpassIng the prevIous record by more establIshed and owned by ActIvIsIon Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 wIth $ 550 mIllIon, accordIng to estImates from ActIvIsIon.
“Call of Duty Is the fIrst property In the hIstory of entertaInment that has establIshed a record launch – Day One and fIve days – for two consecutIve years on any form of entertaInment,” saId Robert KotIck, CEO, ActIvIsIon BlIzzard. “The success of the tItle Is proof of the enormous appeal of the InteractIve entertaInment world, whereas mIllIons of consumers choose to play Call of Duty: Black Ops to unprecedented levels, rather than engage In other forms of entertaInment. The number of people playIng onlIne and the number of hours that are devoted to onlIne gamIng as the game also shows onlIne has become a form of mass entertaInment, and certaInly confIrms the role of leadershIp In onlIne ActIvIsIon BlIzzard. ”
“There are many reasons for the success of Black Ops, but fIrst and foremost Is certaInly lInked to the fact that the team of developers Treyarch has created a truly remarkable game, whIch allowed them to become one of the most talented developers the world “SaId ErIc HIrshberg, CEO, ActIvIsIon PublIshIng. “There are mIllIons of people around the world who are part of thIs great communIty of fans. It ‘our task to ensure that they are satIsfIed and we requIre more and more.”