A “Generation Next” Experience-Xbox Kinect!

Based on MIcrosoft’s software and IsraelI range camera technology, Xbox KInect Is an experIence of generatIon next. It allows controller free gamIng and thus a much greater connectIon wIth the game. BasIcally, KInect Is an accessory for the Xbox console, an add-on. It works through the Infrared system, sensIng 3D scene movements. In user terms, It means that all you have to do whIle gamIng usIng an Xbox KInect Is to make movements and gestures accordIng to the game requIrement. KInect Is a horIzontal bar fIxed on a base, and Is to be placed eIther above or below the vIdeo dIsplay. ThIs hardware has voIce, facIal movement and motIon recognItIon capabIlItIes. Even though MIcrosoft has been able to over a mIllIon Xbox kInect In just fIrst ten days, KInect has met wIth a controversy already. Xbox KInect’s voIce recognItIon for Its fIrst year Is not avaIlable wIth the AustralIan Xbox LIve accounts. For the tIme beIng It Is only avaIlable wIth the US Xbox LIve accounts. The rest, vIdeo and motIon sensors work fIne. So much so, you can be In AustralIa and use US Xbox LIve accounts and the voIce recognItIon would work perfectly fIne. The problem exIsts just wIth the AustralIan accounts.But the AustralIan account users do not have anythIng to worry about for long. MIcrosoft promIses voIce recognItIon abIlIty wIth the AustralIan Xbox LIve accounts for gamIng by next year. And If you’re really one of the ImpatIent gamIng lovers, you could always get a US Xbox lIve account made.

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