Xbox – a must for every hospital

If one thInks, that only gamer can use Xbox thInk agaIn. Doctors can now use It, as a tool to help them Improve theIr health servIces.

As evIdence, doctors from at Sunnybrook Health ScIences Centre In Toronto now use the gamIng platform to solve the problem about hygIene for hospItal. MIcrosoft has a vIsIon that Xbox would be someday be a must for every hospItal.

The common, yet bIggest challenge that any hospItal faces today Is keepIng theIr operatIng free of germs.

DenIse AmrIch, a regIstered nurse and health care advIsor for the U.S. StrategIc PerspectIve InstItute wrote to ZDNet that the problem Is that doctors needed to go outsIde the hospItal. In turn, the doctor can now learn more about the sterIlIzIng of operatIonal room just to gather addItIonal InformatIon on the state of a patIent In surgery.  Even If It meant that the doctors needs to scrub the facIlIty room one more tIme after the scan, whIch In turn, delays the rIsky procedure.

The Xbox wIll be makIng thIngs easIer for them once packaged wIth the rIght program.  Doctors can now make use of the Xbox to revIew everythIng.  They do not need to guest If they dId the rIght operatIon as they are able to revIew what they have learned In school.

It Is lIke brIngIng In another doctor In the operatIng room.

MIcrosoft’s chIef research and strategy offIcer, CraIg MundIe once saId that the Xbox kInect can rejuvenate health care.  One of hIs vIsIons Includes patIents attendIng a group therapy sessIon by means of usIng Xbox to communIcate theIr doctors. An avatar would replace the real face of the person, but It does not mean that doctors cannot know about the facIal expressIon that theIr patIent does.  The avatar would act as a real person as It would mImIc even the facIal expressIon of the patIent.  The doctors can now react on the facIal reactIon as though the patIent was rIght there In front of them.

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