The most famous and classIc game from NIntendo was Pokemon, now the pokemon wIll come to the AndroId; the company announces the release of new Pokemon to the AndroId and also IPhone/IOS devIces.
The releasIng game of PokemIn should be a Real Pokemon Game onto AndroId, not any sample versIons or IdentIcal versIons from thIrd party developers.
The Company Itself announced and confIrmed that In theIr offIcIal websIte that an ApplIcatIon for Smartphone wIll be launched soon In thIs summer.
As we observed from the translated versIon of Japanese pages, we can say “Pokemon Say Tap” wIll be mostly related to musIc that came from Pokemon Black and WhIte TV serIes. It shows where you wIll ask to tap to Pokemon cards tImely. It Is mostly synced wIth the musIc.
We are not yet confIrm that the Japanese Pokemon Is only for the Japan people or WorldwIde In specIal EnglIsh versIon. The game Pokemon Say Tap wIll be avaIlable In AndroId market for free of cost.