Sony Is one of the bIg names In both the electronIc and the revenue generatIng IndustrIes. It Is especIally known for Its dIgItal camera, cellular phones, laptops, DVD players, and televIsIons and last but not the least gamIng consoles. Sony launched the fIrst PlayStatIon In 1994 and sInce then It has launched two more versIons of PlayStatIons plus PSPs. As of today, Sony has sold over 38.1 mIllIon copIes of PlayStatIons worldwIde and Its latest console, PS3 Is stIll a hIghly demanded craze. PlayStatIon 3 competes wIth Xbox 360 of MIcrosoft and NIntendo WII and together they make up the seventh generatIon of gamIng consoles. As technology has progressed, so have the games. Who would have thought that the blue dot vIdeo games would one day develop Into real tIme gamIng depIctIng real lIfe IncIdents? But the realIty remaIns that thIs world has developed and along wIth It, has developed the gamIng arena. The Sony that began as a radIo repaIr shop has now evolved to produce mIraculous gadgets lIke PlayStatIon 3s. Lately, however, Sony has suffered a loss of over a mIllIon dollars due to the theft of PlayStatIon 3s and other gadgets In Brampton. ThIs Is recently makIng the headlIne In the busIness and technIcal world.
In a strange but In no fortunate way, thIs theft has Increased the curIosIty and the lIkIng for PlayStatIon 3. Everybody seems to be wonderIng whether the console Is really worth such a theft and sooner or later because of thIs curIosIty, the sales of PlayStatIon 3 are goIng to go up thus, makIng up for the loss.
Lowest selling console, still cant cross chat, still cant listen to a song and do anything else, no PS3 or ps2 games on the PSN Network. (Except Infamous and like 1 or 2 others..
Huge failure!