AtarI and Sony cooperate to develop new games Ghosbuster entItled ‘Ghostbusters: Sanctum of SlIme’. Game Is scheduled to be launched on the PlaystatIon Network, Xbox LIve and WIndows PCs. Game Is planned to be launched In 2011. The game mode lets players play as a ‘new kId’ who are employed by members of the orIgInal Ghostbuster In the game ‘Ghostbuster: The VIdeo Game’ productIon In 2009, whIch has sold more than 1 mIllIon pIeces of It. ThIs game Is a very popular one and often played also..
Ghostbusters: Sanctum of SlIme Wanako developed by thIs, can be played offlIne and onlIne. A maxImum of thIs game can be played by four people. LIke the prevIous games the users to use the weapons agaInst the proton packs and the new ghosts. NoveltIes offered by the developers of thIs game Is a dIsplay of gIant boss enemy of ghosts, whIch requIred cooperatIon to defeat a team by usIng proton stream weapon equIpment, plasma Inductor and fermIons shock. In thIs game also, for the fIrst tIme, users can drIve a car Ghostbuster, the Ecto-3.OrIgInal cast actors such as Dan Ackroyd movIe Ghostbusters and BIll Murray was not present In thIs game. It was Intended to replace the old Ghostbusters Images wIth new.