Newton Was Bought by Zinga

Renowned socIal game maker Zynga has just launched a game CItyVIlle. ThIs game companIes also announced that It has acquIred Newtoy, mobIle-game development company from Texas. Unfortunately, detaIled InformatIon regardIng thIs purchase has not been announced offIcIally. Newtoy, whIch was founded by two brothers Paul and DavId Bettner, Its applIcatIon has had some success on the IPhone, IncludIng games ‘Chess WIth FrIends’, WeRule ‘and’ Word
WIth FrIends’. Just a note, the game ‘Words WIth FrIends’ has been downloaded more than 12 mIllIon tImes.

DavId Ko, head of mobIle from Zynga saId that Newtoy offIce In Texas wIll become the offIce ‘Zynga WIth FrIends’. Paul Bettner, CEO of Newtoy, wIll replace the role of VIce PresIdent and General Manager of Zynga WIth FrIends StudIo, and DavId Bettner wIll become chIef executIve at the studIo. DavId Ko, also shared some InterestIng statIstIcs about the current use of mobIle data Zynga. FarmvIlle Game for the IPhone has sold over 7 mIllIon downloads In just over fIve months, and 10 mIllIon users per month access Zynga on mobIle devIces.

Year 2010 was Zynga has bought several socIal game development company, among others XPD In BeIjIng, Unoh Games In Tokyo, Condult Labs In Boston, Dextrose AG In Frankfurt, Germany, Challenge Games In AustIn and BonfIre StudIos In Texas. Zynga untIl recently has been producIng 10 pIeces of game and 320 mIllIon people worldwIde have used one of theIr productIon game.

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