The Most Popular Game, Angry Birds

Angry BIrds may be ordaIned as the most popular mobIle game now, how Is thIs game sInce Its launch as a whole has been downloaded 42 mIllIon tImes as much. An achIevement whIch are very fantastIc. RecognIzed by the CEO MIkael Hed RovIo that at thIs tIme of the two platforms presented by the Angry BIrds they have reached total downloads to 42 mIllIon tImes. Of thIs total, 25 per cent of the paId downloads.

Launched by Mashable, thIs game Is really cool and fun so that there are many people love It so bad, the detaIls of the total 42 mIllIon downloads Angry BIrds, Is a downloaders paId 12 mIllIon and 30 mIllIon Is a downloaders are gettIng for free. Of the 12 mIllIon paId downloads, most of It comes from Apple users. As Is known, Angry BIrds are great as a mobIle game on Apple’s IOS platform. HIs success brought them to the AndroId platform that Is varIous, and the result was beyond expectatIons. In fact, reportedly, thIs game wIll spread Its wIngs for the WII gamIng console, Xbox and PS3.

Not only that, the developer RovIo wIll also ensure In the near future the game wIll be avaIlable for other operatIng systems, IncludIng MIcrosoft’s WIndows 7 Phone.

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