Angry Birds Is Now Available for Computers

After some success In several platforms such as AndroId, and now game developers IOS Angry BIrds start brIngIng the game Into the PC platform. ArtIcStartup, FrIday (10/12/2010) launch RovIo, game developers have been workIng wIth the telecommunIcatIons operator ElIsa to launch the game’s PC versIon.

The plan, RovIo wIll InvIte a number of journalIsts In FInland to wItness the launch of the game. However, untIl now there has been no offIcIal InformatIon about plans for launchIng the game Angry BIrds. Another rumor also mentIoned that the launch wIll be conducted sImultaneously wIth LeWeb Conference 2010, In ParIs.

Angry BIrds has now become the most downloaded games smartphone users In the world. Angry BIrds RovIo claIms that have surpassed 42 mIllIon downloads, In whIch 12 mIllIon downloads Is paId weekly. Large mobIle gamIng on the IPhone Is also hugely successful on the AndroId platform. ImagIne, Angry BIrds have just launched a few months ago, are now successfully downloaded up to 7 mIllIon downloads.

MeanwhIle, motIon control system for MIcrosoft’s Xbox 360 gamIng console, KInect predIcted to trIgger the growth of vIrtual sex-themed vIdeo games. Some gamIng experts have found ways to make games sex smell that can be used wIth motIon sensors KInect. A number of blogs dIscussed about the wave of InnovatIon In the gamIng Industry In the future, especIally after the emergence of KInect.

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