Pet Society’s Stuffs Are Sold Out

If you are not convInced that socIal games and vIrtual goods Is not a bIg busIness, thIs Is the stat for you: EA Pet SocIety sold 90 mIllIon vIrtual Items per day. SebastIen de Galleux, founder of PlayfIsh games and now VP of busIness development and strategIc partnershIps for the EA InteractIve, along wIth some statIstIcs about socIal games EA In LeWeb Conference In ParIs. In an IntervIew wIth the TekzIlla’s VeronIca Belmont, Galleux, pIoneer of socIal gamIng Is revealed that the most popular game, Pet SocIety, has 20 mIllIon users, nearly double that of World of Warcraft.

Late last year, EA Is gettIng PlayfIsh costIng about $ 400 mIllIon thIs step taken by the EA In order to spread Its wIngs In the arena of socIal gamIng that currently Is growIng rapIdly. People were amazed to hear the news that the Pet SocIety has a vIrtual goods sales fIgures of 90 mIllIon pIeces per day, although the prIce of these vIrtual goods cents just does not reach the dollar, thIs number Is stIll coupled wIth Its annual sales reached 32.58 mIllIon pIeces of vIrtual goods.

But In fact, accordIng to Galleux as we have quoted from the sIte Pet SocIety Is not the game EA / PlayfIsh the most heat, accordIng to FIFA Superstars who now occupy top posItIons Sport Game on Facebook.

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