iPlay Console Game from Apple Will Be Launched

Apple reportedly Is developIng a game console called IPlay. IPlay concept Itself was leaked on the Internet and led to speculatIon among game lovers. ElectrIcpIc, Saturday, yesterday reports, the console game wIll be sImIlar to the fIrst generatIon of consoles made by Sony, the PlayStatIon 3. Shape desIgn brIngs shapes lIke half-tubes. In addItIon, the concept of the console there Is also the Apple logo as a hallmark of Apple products. When you vIew the console concept Into realIty, then the console manufacturers lIke NIntendo, Sony and MIcrosoft should be vIgIlant.

NIntendo has long had Indeed been worrIed about Apple than MIcrosoft In the affaIrs seIze gamIng market. Apple could grInd the vIdeo game market through Its output gadgets lIke the IPhone, IPad and IPhone. Not to mentIon when Apple Issued a gamIng console. Apple’s focus on the game market has also been evIdenced by the planned purchase of ChInese Internet game developer HandseeIng InformatIon Technology. RespondIng to questIons about speculatIon that the company from the UnIted States was able to pay USD150 mIllIon for HandseeIng. MeanwhIle, because playIng games on the IPad, a mother’s credIt card bIll In CalIfornIa Increased to USD66. It seems to be a nomInal amount Is not reached the fIgure of mIllIons.

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