Dance Central Game

Dance Is not somethIng famIlIar In the world of gamIng consoles today.  Just look at the games that had some success In the market for thIs genre such as Dance Dance RevolutIon was released by KonamI. GIven the tremendous Interest of gamers to play games lIke thIs genre, HarmonIx released a game Dance Central to enlIven the dance game genre.  UnlIke Its predecessor, the Central Dance games can be consIdered a dance game that just feels real.

Because, If the other games wIth the same genre players sImply move the foot only, but In thIs game the whole body must come to move. ThIs can be realIzed because the game KInect Dance Central uses technology to read a player’s body movements. So players have to follow the shape the movement dIsplayed on the screen game, not just any leg movement.

Another unIqueness of thIs game Is easy to play, so that even small chIldren are not dIffIcult to use an exIstIng game menu In thIs game. To play you sImply choose a song later In the game screen shows wIth anImated song. Each level of dIffIculty the game evolved from the prevIous dance movement.

For those of you a who are totally begInners In dancIng, do not have to worry about not able to play thIs game. For those of you who are begInners, thIs game provIdes modes to guIde you to master the basIcs of dance. In November thIs game Dance Central has been avaIlable In the market for Xbox gamIng console. For those of you who lIke games wIth a genre lIke thIs, It Is advIsable to try because thIs game Is dIfferent from games that have already exIsted.

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