Wikileaks Parody Game

It has attend an onlIne computer game parody, WIkILeaks. In thIs onlIne game, players act as the founder WIkILeaks, JulIan Assange who hIde behInd the desk of PresIdent Obama In the Oval OffIce. By usIng the mouse, the player manIpulates the character Assange to smuggle secret documents on a laptop Obama and store It In a USB. When you faIl, players are gIven the presIdent sound bItes and storIes they mocked and wrItten In a newspaper. More than one mIllIon people vIsIt the sIte ‘WIkILeaks: The Game’ newly posted fIve days ago by developer SebastIaan MoEYS, 21.

“The game Is quIte dIffIcult than It looks,” wrote AlexIa TsotsIs In tech news blog, TechCrunch. “I’ve played fIve tImes and have not won. ” Some game developers In recent years utIlIzIng leadIng news popularIty. PrevIous games have appeared anImated satIre about the scandal household TIger Woods.

MeanwhIle, also, EyePet began dIstrIbutIng games for PlayStatIon Portable (PSP) system to the UnIted States. Amazon’s onlIne store to market games package wIth the camera was sold wIth prIce $ 39, 9.

EyePet Is a game developed by Sony Computer EntertaInment WorldwIde StudIos, London StudIo. Before the PSP system, the game’s fIrst present to the PSP 3. Armed wIth these games, players can become a vIrtual pet owner by adoptIng an egg from Pet Center. Eggs that have been adopted It wIll then hatch and can be used as a playmate.

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