Not many people know that The Red Star – Is lIfted from the same tItled novel fIrst appoInted to the Xbox In 2004. Unfortunately thIs game had not materIalIzed In the Xbox but three years later thIs game was revIved and made Its debut on the PlayStatIon 2.
Perhaps the words are more approprIate to descrIbe thIs game Is old school games mIxed, so called because thIs game Is lIke a merger of the games old-school lIke Streets of Rage, Contra, Ikaruga, there Is even a few elements In It If you StrIder realIzed. Although synonymous wIth game The Red Star Is popular wIth the actIon genre Is able to maIntaIn Its unIque sIde. Even for thIs own genre, thIs game quIte successfully combInes the style of ‘beat-em-up’ and ‘shoot-em-up’.
Looks lIke there’s nothIng to be explaIned about the background story summary because It was saId clearly In hIs game. Before the mIssIon begIns you wIll be brIefIng beforehand about what you should do It later but thIs Is not Important because In practIce, the actIon do the talkIng.
The classIc sImple gameplay Is the maIn sellIng poInts of thIs game, sImple as KIllIng all the enemIes confrontIng us and prepare yourself to face at the end level boss. Overall thIs game Is more approprIately played when hIs relaxed on the day you’re not serIous about gamIng.